6 Hacks That Instantly Improve a Home

6 Hacks That Instantly Improve a Home

If you’re a homeowner you know that home improvements can sometimes pay for themselves, especially if you’re planning on selling. There’s no need to search “home renovators near me” any longer as these improvements are so easy you can do them on your own, like adding new decor, a fresh coat of paint, or even a home LED video wall. You also won’t need a home renovation loan as these improvements are relatively inexpensive and add a lot of value; however, you can look into reno debt consolidation loans online if needed:

1. Replace broken roofing and gutters

If you have a roof that is nearing the end of its life span or is leaking it can decrease your home value by thousands of dollars. Replacing broken roofing can add value back to your home. If you need to replace more than half your roof it is probably more worth it to get a new roof and hire a roofer. Gutters are similar in that having a broken gutter system can cause damage to the house and lower its value, so it pays to get it repaired when needed.

2. Freshen paint and patch drywall holes

According to experts, a quality paint job can add 5% or more to the sale price of your home when it comes time to sell. This is because painting can update a home and increase its resale value by making a home look fresh and new. Patching drywall holes is a must to increase the value of your home as having damaged drywall not only doesn’t look good but is really bad for resale value.

3. Replace broken windows and door screens

Fixing broken windows is very important to add value to your home as they can pose a security risk as well as affect the temperature and insulation in your home. Fixing a broken door screen can also add value to your home as it makes your house look newer and more safe to live in. It is the standard to have these things fixed before trying to sell a house.

4. Upgrade to energy efficient bulbs and appliances

Upgrading to energy efficient bulbs and appliances significantly improves the value of your home. An energy efficient home is worth more compared to a conventionally-built home, since it is more comfortable, more sustainable, and can help with saving costs over time. Living in an energy efficient building can lower your heating bills by more than 50% according to experts.

5. Improve your curb appeal

Your curb appeal not only boosts the value of your home but other homes in your neighborhood as well. Doing things like lawn repairs, gardening, removing mildew, and more can all make the outward appearance of your home the best it can be. Other suggestions include painting the outside of your house, freshening up your door, and adding outdoor lighting.

6. Protect your home’s HVAC and duct systems during a renovation

Did you know that a major home renovation can have negative effects on your furnace and HVAC system? Not only do these complex home heating and cooling systems need protection during a renovation—from things like dirt, debris, drywall dust, and contaminants that can overlax tax a furnace or HVAC—they can also lead to costly AC or furnace repair if your reno plans don’t match with your existing HVAC layout. So before any reno is taken on, be sure to make sure it won’t negatively impact your home’s heating and cooling systems, and once the renovation is complete, be sure to have your system’s and ductwork inspected and cleaned of any unwanted dust or debris to avoid major costs later on.