5 Natural Remedies for Dry Eyes

5 Natural Remedies for Dry Eyes

Staring long hours on laptops or mobile screens can often result in dry eyes. In the beginning, it may feel like a minor struggle, but if left untreated for long, it can cause major complications. Dry eye syndrome is not exactly a severe disease and can easily be managed through home remedies. So, we’ve listed down five of the best natural products available for dry eyes:

Warm Compresses
Dry eyes cause inflammation and flaky eyelids, which block the oil-producing glands that are extremely important for keeping eyes moist and healthy. Warm compresses unclog the glands and help ease irritation. To do this DIY procedure, you need to first wet a clean washcloth in warm water and squeeze out any excess. Then, you must place the cloth on your eyelid for about a minute and gently press along the edge of your eyelid to remove the blocked oils.

Oily Fish
If you have dry eyes, it’s advisable to include fish in your diet as they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. According to researchers, oily fish contain healthy fats and help create lubrication needed to keep the eyes healthy. Foods that contain high omega-3 content are sardines, trout, mackerel, walnuts, selected vegetable oil, and flax seeds. You could also ask for a doctor to prescribe you omega-3 supplements.

Staying Hydrated
Drinking the right amount of water can cause wonders to your body, including your eyes. You should have at least 10 full glasses of water in a day, and don’t wait until you’re thirsty. Doing this on a daily basis can help keep your eyes moist. If you find it difficult to drink water that often, it’s okay to substitute it with any other liquid that does not contain caffeine or alcohol. Cucumbers and watermelon, which are rich in water content, also count.

Coconut Oil
Coconut oil protects your tear duct by limiting inflammation caused by dry eyes. Its antibacterial and antifungal properties keep eyes healthy. This natural product for dry eyes is easy and hassle-free. All you need to do is dip a cotton ball in virgin coconut oil and gently squeeze out excess liquid. Now, you must place the ball on closed lids for one to two minutes. Doing this on a daily basis will give you the best results.

Rinsing Your Lids and Lashes
During your daily shower or when you wash your face, you must pay close attention to your eyelids and lashes. It’s important to rinse them gently with warm water and free them of any dust particles or crusty flakes. If you apply makeup, you must carefully clean off any facial creams or other products. After rinsing your lashes and eyelids, you can take a warm damp towel and follow the warm compress procedure mentioned above.