5 Rare Symptoms of Hepatitis C

5 Rare Symptoms of Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a disease that causes inflammation of the liver. The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is responsible for causing this disease. Although it affects the liver initially, it gradually produces symptoms all over the body. An acute case can last for a few weeks, but a chronic one can last a lifetime. Some rare symptoms associated with hepatitis C may become prominent only in the chronic stage. Seek necessary medical intervention if these symptoms occur:

Severe abdominal pain
Hepatitis C reduces the amount of bile produced by the liver. This makes it tough to digest fatty foods as bile is essential to dissolve matter. This disrupts the regulation of fluid in the cells. Matter begins to accumulate in the stomach, which can cause intense stomach pain for some people. As bile is stored in the gallbladder, severe pain can occur if it swells up due to the HCV. This occurs in the acute stage and is a rare symptom of hepatitis C. You might also feel burning or tingling sensations in the stomach.

The HCV may prevent the liver from completely filtering out toxins from the blood. This can affect the central nervous system and reduce one’s ability to concentrate on things. In rare cases, it can cause forgetfulness and confusion, leaving one feeling disoriented. Other symptoms related to dysfunction of the central nervous system may also occur. These include poor quality of sleep, musty breath, and clumsiness in daily motor skills.

When the liver’s function is disrupted due to the hepatitis C virus, it can’t soak in and store iron properly. This may cause anemia. This condition is characterized by a reduced number of red blood cells in the body. It can also mean that the existing blood cells have begun to function poorly. Red blood cells are instrumental in carrying oxygen to the tissues of the body. So, hepatitis C can indirectly affect one’s oxygen transmission that may leave one feeling extremely tired and lightheaded. This is a rare symptom of hepatitis C .

Bladder and bowel dysfunction
In the acute stage of hepatitis C, almost two-thirds of those who are infected don’t show symptoms. This means that only in rare cases, some symptoms may appear. These include bladder and bowel dysfunction. Hepatitis C can cause the body to excrete grey feces. This is because the HCV makes it difficult for the digestive system to eliminate waste. Some may also pass dark brown urine, which may indicate the presence of bile in one’s urine.

Weight loss
Weight loss is one of the rarer symptoms of HCV infection. In some cases, the virus may cause fatigue, nausea, and vomiting. This can result in a loss of appetite, which will reduce one’s desire to eat. Along with this, inflammation of the liver can interfere with its function of producing proteins and fats that are essential to help one digest and fully absorb the consumed food. This can devoid the body of nutrients and also cause diarrhea. These conditions will eventually lead to weight loss.