5 Tips to Prevent UTI
Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) cause several problems in the urinary system. One may develop extremely irritable symptoms in the kidney, urethra, and bladder, and the condition turns unbearable once it spreads to the kidneys. This can also lead to serious complications. So, precautionary measures and certain habits are necessary to prevent a UTI and keep the urinary system healthy and active. On that note, let’s look at five simple and effective prevention tips for UTI:
Drink plenty of fluids
One should drink at least one and a half, preferably two, liters of water daily. This will dilute the urine and help flush out toxins and bacteria, preventing the urinary tract from getting infected. Along with water, one can try adding healthy fluids like fresh fruit juices (other than citrus) and organic tea to their diet to help reduce the risk of UTI. People living in places with warmer climates are recommended to consume more liquids as the body loses fluids through sweat.
Keep chemicals away
Products like sprays and deodorants that cause irritation to the genital area should be avoided, as they can induce bacterial growth and cause UTIs. One should think twice before using those scented powders and creams as well. Similarly, diaphragms, chemical lubricants, and spermicides are best avoided. If one needs products for vaginal hygiene, it’s advisable to opt for water-based or 100% organic products.
Maintain hygiene after intercourse
To avoid UTIs, one should always wash up with warm water after intercourse. This reduces the chances of bacterial growth on the urethra. It’s also important to urinate after intercourse, as it can flush out any bacteria that may have snuck up into the urinary tract. Women are more prone to UTIs because their urethras are shorter, which makes it easier for bacteria to reach the bladder. So, they should especially follow this prevention tip for UTI.
Wear cotton undergarments
This is an essential prevention tip for UTI is often overlooked. The type of undergarments one wears can increase or decrease the risk of the condition. Cotton underwear can prevent moisture from building up around the urethra, and a fitting one can keep the genital area dry and prevent bacterial growth. While switching to cotton is helpful, one should also remember that it’s important to change the underwear regularly to maintain hygiene in the area.
Maintain good urination habits
Good urination habits can reduce the risk of UTI. Urinating regularly flushes out toxins and bacteria from the body and prevents them from latching on and infecting the urinary tract. Also, while urinating, it’s important to completely empty the bladder because a urine leak might increase bacterial growth. If this occurs, it’s advisable to wash up and change the inners. After urination, women are advised to wipe with a front-to-back movement. This prevention tip for UTI reduces the chances of the bacteria in the rectum from entering the urethra.