5 Ways to Lower the Risk of Ovarian Cancer
Ovarian cancer is a growing concern among women these days, but several factors that increase the risk of the disease can be caught early and managed by taking certain precautions. While some external factors that cause ovarian cancer like aging or having a family history cannot be controlled, other lifestyle-related factors can be monitored. Although there aren’t any proven ways for the prevention of ovarian cancer, here are some methods that can help lower the chances of ovarian/fallopian cancer:
Birth control
It has been observed that taking oral contraceptives for 3 years or more can reduce the risk of ovarian cancer in some women. A study has concluded that using oral contraceptives decreases the risk of developing this disease in women by around 20 percent for every 5 years of use. The use of intrauterine devices is also known to decrease the chances of ovarian cancer.
A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure of getting the uterus removed. While it is not advised to get a hysterectomy only for the purpose of preventing ovarian cancer, if a woman is advised to get it for medical reasons, she should talk to her doctor about simultaneously having a prophylactic oophorectomy, or surgically removing the ovaries.
Women who give birth to children before 25 years of age and those who choose to breastfeed are less likely to be diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Also, the longer a woman chooses to breastfeed, the lower is her risk of getting this form of cancer.
Dietary habits
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle by following a balanced diet and a healthy exercise regime is an effective prevention method for several health risks, including ovarian cancer. While there has been no relationship established between dietary habits and the growth of cancerous cells, it was observed that women following a low-fat dietary routine are at a 40 percent lower risk for ovarian cancer than those who don’t.
Being careful around menopause
It is observed that women who start menstruating before the age of 12 and those who reach menopause after the age of 52 are more susceptible to ovarian cancer. Additionally, it is risky to undergo hormone therapy for hormones like estrogen for long to combat menopausal symptoms.
While these prevention methods can help lower the risk of ovarian cancer in several women, undergoing procedures and treatments just for the sake of preventing the disease is not recommended. In case someone has a family history of ovarian cancer, it is best to get an opinion from a medical professional about the next steps to manage it. A doctor’s consultation is a must before deciding on any procedure, as they can help out with a method that is just right for an individual.