6 Rare Types of Anemia
Anemia is a blood disorder where the body fails to produce and maintain a healthy amount of red blood cells and hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is responsible for transporting oxygen from our lungs to different cells of the body. A lack of hemoglobin leads to a lack of oxygen reaching our cells and can lead to symptoms like fatigue, dizziness, elevated heartbeat, and pale skin. Here is a list of some rare types of anemia that can either be hereditary or acquired.
- Aplastic (or Hypoplastic) Anemia
In aplastic or hypoplastic anemia, stem cells are damaged and dysfunctional and can no longer produce new blood cells. Stem cells are present in the bone marrow and are responsible for producing new blood cells. This condition could either be hereditary or be acquired over a period of time. Hereditary aplastic anemia is rare, and the acquired condition can sometimes be temporary. - Sideroblastic Anemia
In this particular condition, the body is incapable of creating hemoglobin from iron. The unused iron continues to build and accumulate inside the body in the form of abnormal red blood cells called sideroblasts. This condition can either be acquired due to exposure to certain drugs or can be due to an inherited genetic mutation. - Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
An autoimmune disease is a condition that is caused when our body’s immune system attacks healthy cells and causes different inadequacies and disorders. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia is usually a symptom of autoimmune diseases like lupus. - Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemia (CDA)
CSA is actually a group of different acquired forms of anemia and is divided into three types, of which type 3 is the rarest. These anemias reduce the number of red blood cells in the body and are hereditary in nature. - Megaloblastic Anemia
In this type of anemia, the bone marrow of the person produces abnormally structured red blood cells that are incapable of carrying oxygen through the body. This type of anemia can be caused due to a lack of vitamin B12 and vitamin B9, i.e., cobalamin and folate. Treating the deficiency of these vitamins can help cure this condition. Patients suffering from this type of anemia are usually prescribed vitamin B12 and vitamin B9 supplements, which most of the time helps cure the disorder. - Fanconi Anemia
In a person suffering from Fanconi anemia, the bone marrow produces a small number of blood cells. This type of anemia is caused genetically and has some serious and striking symptoms such as abnormal thumbs and changes in skin color. The person could also develop different types of cancer; the most commonly acquired cancer due to Fanconi anemia is acute myeloid leukemia. Aside from this, the person is also vulnerable to cancers of the head, neck, skin, GI tract, or genitals.