6 Things To Donate To Help Cancer Patients
Cancer is a devastating disease that can affect anyone. While many treatments are available, they can be expensive, and not everyone can afford them. That’s why it’s important to donate to cancer charities—so that people battling cancer can have access to necessary treatments and support that they might not be able to afford otherwise. Here are some essential things you can donate to help people with cancer:
1. Hair donation
Hair donation is one of the most common ways that people can support cancer patients. Many organizations accept hair donations, which are then used to make wigs for patients who have lost their hair due to treatment. If you have extra hair that you’d like to give the chop, consider donating it so that someone in need can benefit from your generosity.
2. Donate blood or platelets
Donating blood or platelets is one of the most effective ways to help people living with cancer. Whether you decide to donate whole blood or just plasma, each donation can make a huge difference for someone fighting this devastating disease. Not only does donating regularly provide much-needed blood for patients in emergencies, but it can also give them access to vital treatments that could prolong their lives. Additionally, one of the key benefits of donating blood is that you can rest assured knowing that your donation will be helping someone who needs it most.
3. Donate bone marrow
Bone marrow transplants are among the most advanced and effective treatments available for cancer patients. However, due to the complex nature of the procedure, it can be difficult to find a donor who is a match. That’s why it’s so important for people who are willing and able to donate bone marrow to do so. By signing up to be a donor, you could potentially save the life of someone with cancer. Additionally, donating bone marrow is relatively simple and painless, so there’s no reason not to sign up if you’re eligible.
4. Donate umbilical cord blood
Umbilical cord blood is rich in stem cells, which can be used to treat a wide range of diseases and conditions, including cancer. Instead of discarding this valuable source of stem cells after your baby is born, consider donating it to someone in need. Many organizations exist specifically to collect these donations and provide them to patients who can benefit from this powerful treatment option. So, if you’re having a baby and interested in helping people with cancer get the best possible treatments available, consider donating umbilical cord blood.
5. Donate time or money to a cancer organization
Although donations of hair, blood, bone marrow, and umbilical cord blood can all make a huge difference for cancer patients, no one type of donation is more important than another. If you want to help people with cancer in any way possible, consider also donating your time or money to an organization, like St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, Susan G. Komen Society, American Cancer Society, or the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, all of which provide support to those who are fighting this terrible disease.
6. Donate car for cancer
If you have an old car that isn’t in use anymore, consider donating it to a cancer organization or for charities that specifically fund kids’ cancer donation. Many charities accept car donations, which they then sell or auction off to raise funds for cancer research and treatment efforts. If you want to get rid of an unwanted vehicle and help people with cancer simultaneously, donating your car to a worthy cause like cancer research is the perfect way to do both.