8 Must-have Décor Pieces to Transform Any Room

8 Must-have Décor Pieces to Transform Any Room

Sometimes the best way to improve your quality of life is redecorating your home. Many people assume that they must have a huge budget to undertake a décor project, when, in actuality, even the tiniest of changes can make a big difference in your space. Decorating improves the appeal of your home, and it is not as difficult as you might imagine. Here are eight must-have décor pieces that are sure to transform any room:

1. Coffee tables
A coffee table is one of the most important pieces of furniture in your home; a good quality coffee table can enhance your house’s overall look and feel while also serving as a conversation piece. You also don’t need to spend too much to have a nice-looking and decent-quality coffee table, as you can find them easily on sale at most big department stores and on eBay. Depending on the design, the average cost of coffee tables is usually between $200 and $400.

2. Throw pillows
Throw pillows can be used to enhance the appearance of your furniture and rejuvenate your look. The great thing about them is that they are not expensive, and you can find hundreds of different designs in any store that sells home décor. Prices for throw pillows will usually range from $5 to $30 depending on the design, material quality, and size.

3. Cozy blankets
A cozy blanket is a perfect addition to any bedroom, especially for children. Blankets act as decoration and can be useful during the cold season. Throw blankets are easy to clean, comfortable, and can add color and texture to an otherwise plain room. You can also find them anywhere, from bedding stores to department stores. Prices will range from $25-$50

4. Wall art
Even the tiniest wall art pieces can add elegance and sophistication to your home, brightening up any room that seems dull. You can find wall art pieces that suit your style at department stores and online for as low as $15. 

5. Modern rugs
Depending on the overall feel of your home, a modern rug can be a great addition, adding color and texture to a dull room. Rugs are also not just for decoration, but they have a functional role as well. You might want to put a rug in front of your main entrances or in areas where people congregate, such as dining rooms and living rooms, to make the space more warm and comfortable. Furniture stores, department stores, and online sites all usually have a good range of rugs. Prices will often start around $75, depending on quality and design.

6. House plants
Plants are an essential addition to any home, and having a few can brighten up the appearance of your living area. You can buy them at any big department store, supermarket, garden center, or online. The average price of house plants is around $10-$20, depending on the quality, type, and size.

7. Drapes
Many people think curtains are just decoration, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Drapes can make a huge difference in any room and can even help you save on heating and cooling costs. They also have many functional roles, such as blocking unwanted sunlight or reducing noise pollution. You can purchase drapes anywhere, from department stores to online décor sites, with prices starting at around $50. For a complete do-over of all your drapes, you should expect a general drapery cost of between $300-$1000, depending on the quality and design.

8. Statement chairs
A statement chair can make a big difference in your space. Depending on the size of your room, you might want to consider getting a unique furniture piece to add pizzazz to your space. The best part about statement chairs is that they are usually not expensive—depending on where you get them from, they can range between $50 and $200.

Decorating doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. Even the smallest of changes can work wonders for your living area. With these décor ideas, you can be sure to transform any room into an elegant space.