Dietary Tips To Manage COPD
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) refers to a group of lung conditions that make breathing difficult. There’s no definite cure for the ailment, although that doesn’t mean it can’t be controlled. Diet is seen as a major contributor in keeping a lid on the troublesome symptoms of COPD, which include shortness of breath, chest tightness, and weight loss. Read on as we list a few essential dietary tips to help manage COPD.
Foods to eat
Some of the below-mentioned foods are extremely important for COPD patients, as they contain compounds that can relieve symptoms.
High-fiber foods
Fiber is an essential nutrient that could minimize COPD symptoms and also reduce the risk of other lung diseases. Inflammation is a major problem in a host of different diseases, including COPD. Fiber helps in this respect, reducing inflammation by changing the makeup of gut flora, which releases gut-protective agents such as neutrophils. Oats, nuts, and beans are some of the best sources of fiber.
Protein-rich foods
Since weight loss is a common ramification of COPD, patients suffering from the condition are advised to consume a whole lot of protein. An absolutely essential nutrient, proteins help gain weight by increasing muscle mass and also keep the respiratory muscles intact, preventing them from damage. Fish, chicken, and eggs are the best sources of lean protein, which is considered slightly superior to other types of protein.
Foods packed with potassium
Sweet potatoes, cucumbers, and bananas are rich in potassium and are, therefore, crucial for a COPD patient. The electrolyte regulates muscle and heart contractions, which might help address a few symptoms of COPD. Potassium deficiency is, in fact, triggers breathing problems, which makes COPD worse. Additionally, potassium helps reduce blood pressure, protects against strokes, and regulates fluid balance in the body.
Foods to avoid
COPD patients must steer clear of the below-mentioned foods as they promote breathing difficult and bloating.
Acidic substances
No food or beverage is harmful in limited amounts. The same applies to acidic substances such as coffee and spicy foods, which deliver good nutritional value and are helpful in some cases. However, too much consumption of these foods and beverages can be harmful to COPD patients. Acid reflux, which is commonly reported by frequent consumption of these foods, worsens lung disorder symptoms and makes breathing even more difficult.
Dairy products
Milk, cheese, and butter are, undoubtedly, nutritious and helpful for the body. COPD patients can also reap the many benefits of these products unless it isn’t causing problems. Many patients suffering from lung conditions have seen their symptoms worsen after the consumption of dairy. Milk might be especially troublesome, as it leads to the formation of casomorphin, which builds up mucus in the intestines. It becomes thicker and might cause serious issues during a flare-up.