Foods to Avoid on a Keto Diet

Foods to Avoid on a Keto Diet

In today’s times, Keto is one of the most popular diets everyone seems to be following to stay fit and healthy. The diet doesn’t focus on starvation of any sort, but instead, encourages the process of ketosis, which is the body burning fat for energy. While you may know what you eat while following Keto, it may be difficult to ascertain what not to eat. There are countless foods you should completely avoid if you wish to take this diet seriously, and enjoy its optimum benefits. We have compiled for you a list of key foods that you must avoid on a keto diet. Take a look.

  • Bread

This staple food is extremely high in carbs and must be avoided at all costs. Try to make your version of low-carb loaves at home or limit your bread intake to one sandwich every now and then at most.

  • Selected fruits

Apples, bananas, oranges, pineapples, and grapes contain very high levels of sugar and carbs. Avoid all pre-packed fruit juices and dried fruits like dates and dried mangoes too.

  • Starchy vegetables

Keto does not allow the consumption of all vegetables. Potatoes, corn, yam, parsnip, peas, and cherry tomatoes comprise a high level of starches, which is a strict no-no for keto diet followers.

  • Sugar

A little sugar is necessary for the body but it harms the system in large quantities. The list of foods to avoid on a keto diet include those that have ingredients like corn syrup, nectars, agave nectar, cane sugar, etc. on their food labels.

  • Milk and low-dairy fat

Full-fat foods like Greek yogurt, butter, heavy cream, cottage cheese and sour cream are fine for keto. But, avoid low-fat dairy products like low-fat milk and low-fat butter etc. as they contain an excessive amount of sugar and carbs.

  • Beer

Beer has a very high content of carbs in it so it’s best to avoid purchasing this type of alcohol. A moderate amount of alcohol can be enjoyed on keto diets, which can include dry wine or hard-liquor.

  • Beans and legumes

These food items are very rich in nutrition and fiber content but they are also carb-rich. However, a small serving of legumes is alright, depending on your calorie-burning tolerance.

  • Fried food

Chips, whole wheat crackers, and other processed food should be completely avoided while following a keto diet as they contain high levels of carbs and harmful fats. Processed food is a quick catalyst for weight gain and other unnecessary fats.

  • Gluten

Barley, rye, muffins, cookies, and other baked foods contain high levels of gluten. Excessive consumption of such foods may result in weight gain and high blood sugar.

  • Certain animal products

Among the foods to avoid on a keto diet are grain-fed meats, factory farmed fishes, pork products, and packaged sausages since they are low on nutrients and high on calories.

  • Vegetable oil

Processed vegetable oil like that of soybean, canola, peanut, sesame, corn, grapeseed, sunflower, and safflower should be avoided as they lead to the increase of unhealthy fats in your body. Switch to healthier options such as pasteurized butter in the form of ghee, or macadamia nut oil.