Tasty, Healthy Snacks for Kids

Tasty, Healthy Snacks for Kids

Preparing snacks for kids can be challenging as they can be really picky eaters at times, and more so when you try to feed them something healthy. And with so many options for junk food available, it can be tough to get them to eat healthy foods. What is the solution then, you ask? Try recipes that feature everyday ingredients cooked and presented in a unique manner. Here are four such recipes that will definitely (and pleasantly) surprise your children.

  • Peanut butter, apple, and jelly sandwich
    What can you possibly make with peanut butter, apple slices, and jelly? How about an amazing apple sandwich! All you have to do is core an apple and cut it horizontally to get uniform slices, and your base for the sandwich will be ready. Now take a generous spread of healthy peanut butter—you can use the crunchy variant for more texture—and spread it evenly on one slice. Apply a layer of your child’s favorite jelly on the other slice, assemble all the ingredients, and voila! Serve this with a side of crackers to bring a wider smile to your toddler’s face.
  • Baked sweet potato fries
    Worried about your children eating too much junk food? If yes, then turn to baked sweet potato fries. Although these fries have sweet potatoes as a substitute for potatoes, the dish tastes so good that your kid won’t even notice the switch! Sweet potatoes are rich in nutrients and help strengthen the gut and immune system. In this way, you can also avoid feeding your kid unnecessary carbohydrates, while ensuring a balanced supply of healthy calories that are necessary for a day’s worth of fun and frolic. Don’t worry if they come back for a second helping—this snack is both vegan and oil-free.
  • Popcorn breakfast bowl
    Need to whip up a quick breakfast for your kid? Why not make some popcorn crunch? Yes, you heard it right. These crunchy popped corn kernels can be mixed with a healthy cereal of your choice to make a fun breakfast bowl full of healthy goodness. Honey nut cereal goes especially well with plain salted popcorn, making for a perfect mixture of sweet and savory, nutritious and tasty. You can always experiment and see if the corn kernels work well with other cereal options.
  • Skewered fruits
    Few foods can rank higher on the health quotient than some fresh fruit. Kids are of the opinion that there is nothing interesting and appealing about a bowl of cut fruit. Well, the problem is that it lacks presentation. Not only is this colorful treat tasty but also healthy as it is packed with vitamins, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients. Start off by cutting different types of fruits into cubes and putting them all on a skewer. You can use chunks of raspberry, strawberry, orange, mango, pineapple, kiwi, green grapes, red grapes, and blueberry, and arrange them all on skewers in a way that the fruits resemble the colors in a rainbow!