Types of Treatments Offered in Rehab
Any form of addiction is a serious health condition that must be dealt with as early as possible. The first step toward combating any addiction is acknowledging that one has a problem. Addiction to alcohol and substances is a serious issue that can be controlled easily if addressed on time. One must remember that such addictions must not be self-treated under any circumstances. The best course of action when dealing with addiction is finding the right treatment for you and sticking to it with consistency.
There are several different types of interventions and treatment styles that can be used to treat an addiction problem. Medication can easily help with withdrawal symptoms from several stimulant chemicals and alcohol. This type of withdrawal that is assisted by physicians in an inpatient or outpatient setting is known as medically managed withdrawal.
Here are a few of the different types of rehab treatments for alcohol and substance abuse:
Long-Term Residential Treatment
A long-term residential treatment program is a type of rehab in which the patient lives in a substance-free, usually non-hospital facility for 6 to 12 months. The most popular treatment model is the treatment community (TC), in which, the focus mainly relies on the “resocialization” of the individual.
Short-Term Residential Treatment
A short-term residential treatment program is an inpatient rehab treatment in which the patient lives in the facility for approximately 3-6 weeks. The program uses a modified version of the 12-step approach in combating addiction. Among all different types of rehab for alcohol and substance abuse, this is quite a commonly employed one.
Substance and Alcohol Detox
Successful detoxification gets rid of all toxins from alcohol or illegal substances or other substances from the system which is a necessary step to take when treating someone with an addiction. There are several medications that assist in the process of detoxifying the body and will also help with several withdrawal symptoms.
Outpatient Treatment Programs
In this type of rehab treatment, the program offers the same treatments and therapies as an inpatient facility would. But, in this case, the patient can access these treatments while getting to live in their own homes throughout the duration of their recovery. These treatments cost less than inpatient rehabs and offer options like group counseling and intensive day treatment.
Sober Living Homes
This is a rehab option that serves as an intermediate step between an inpatient rehab center and going back home where patients can have some time to recuperate and get used to a regular social lifestyle without being too overwhelmed.
Discussed above are the different types of rehab for alcohol and substance abuse. One must remember to give all the love and support they can to near and dear ones who suffer from addiction.