Risk Factors of Breast Cancer
There are many factors that contribute to breast cancer, with the most common ones being beyond our control—think old age, genetics, and family history. However, other factors such as weight, lifestyle choices, and maintaining good health are factors that one does have control over. A better understanding of the risk factors for breast cancer can help aid your awareness, equip you with the information you need during diagnosis, and even help you lower the risk of the condition. Age Just like many other illnesses, the risk of breast cancer increases with age. The American Cancer Society claims that two out of three invasive breast cancers are found in women aged 50 or above. Growing age promotes genetic mutation and slows down the reparation of damage that is caused to genetic material. Family history If a first relative, especially a woman, has or had breast cancer, then it increases your risk of getting it. That is, if your mother, sister, or daughter has or had been diagnosed with breast cancer, then your chances of being prone to the disease are high. Family history makes it to the top of the list because of its association with an abnormal gene that may have passed down generations.